- Accounting
- Adult Services
- Advertising Specialties
- Antique/Vintage Store
- Apartments
- Arts & Crafts
- Automotive Repair
- Bakery / Baked Goods
- Bank
- Bookstore
- Car Dealership
- Care Facility
- Churches
- Civic Organization
- Coffee Shop
- College
- Commercial Business
- Computers & IT
- Construction/Developer
- Counseling Services
- Dance Company
- Dining/Catering
- Dry Cleaner
- Education
- Electrician
- Emergency Services
- Equipment Rentals
- Erwin Town Services
- Event Venue
- Family Owned
- Family-Owned
- Farming
- Fencing
- Fire/Police
- Fleet Maintenance
- Food
- Food Truck
- Funeral Home
- Golf Facility
- Hauling
- Hazardous Material Removal
- Home Healthcare
- Individual Member
- Industrial Space
- Industrial Waste Removal
- Insurance
- Internet Service Provider
- Jewelry Store
- Junk Removal
- Kayak/Canoe/Paddleboard Rental
- Landscaping
- Law Office
- Marketing and Branding
- Media
- Medical/Dental
- Ministry
- Minorited-Owned
- Museum
- Natural Remedies
- News / Newspaper
- Non-Profit/Outreach
- Office Supplies
- Optometrist/Eye Doctor
- Pawn Shop
- Photography and Videography
- Plumbing Service
- Political Representative
- Printing
- Public Library
- Real Estate
- Recycling
- Self-Storage
- Seminary
- Septic Service
- Small Business
- Spa Services
- Tattoos / Tattoo Artist
- Therapy
- Thrift Store
- Tourism
- Towing and Recovery
- Trash Services
- Tree Removal
- Utilities
- Web Design
- Women-Owned
United Way of Lee County
Categories: Non-Profit/Outreach
- Phone - 919.776.5823
- Alt. Phone - N/A
- Website - www.leecountyunitedway.org
- Email - kendramartin@leecountyunitedway.org
- Physical Address - 507 N Steele Street Sanford, NC 27330
- Mailing Address - 507 N Steele Street Sanford, NC 27330
United Way mobilizes communities to action so all can thrive. United Way of Lee County (UWLC) is a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving Lee and Harnett Counties in central North Carolina. Since 1960, we’ve partnered with our local community to co-create solutions to people’s most pressing challenges. We take a comprehensive approach, listening and responding to our community’s needs. When we take action together, we can create change for all.
With our community partners, UWLC helps people build pathways out of poverty. Each year, more than 12,000 local residents access help from UWLC and our partners as they work toward self-sufficiency. Our Barrier Busters program, launched in 2022, has helped more than 165 hard-working people overcome obstacles that are keeping them from reaching their goals.
As part of a global network of more than 1,000 United Ways, UWLC helps to share innovations and create impact to improve lives. Together, we’re helping communities grow stronger.