- Accounting
- Adult Services
- Advertising Specialties
- Antique/Vintage Store
- Apartments
- Arts & Crafts
- Automotive Repair
- Bakery / Baked Goods
- Bank
- Bookstore
- Car Dealership
- Care Facility
- Churches
- Civic Organization
- Coffee Shop
- College
- Commercial Business
- Computers & IT
- Construction/Developer
- Counseling Services
- Dance Company
- Dining/Catering
- Dry Cleaner
- Education
- Electrician
- Emergency Services
- Equipment Rentals
- Erwin Town Services
- Event Venue
- Family Owned
- Family-Owned
- Farming
- Fencing
- Fire/Police
- Fleet Maintenance
- Food
- Food Truck
- Funeral Home
- Golf Facility
- Hauling
- Hazardous Material Removal
- Home Healthcare
- Individual Member
- Industrial Space
- Industrial Waste Removal
- Insurance
- Internet Service Provider
- Jewelry Store
- Junk Removal
- Kayak/Canoe/Paddleboard Rental
- Landscaping
- Law Office
- Marketing and Branding
- Media
- Medical/Dental
- Ministry
- Minorited-Owned
- Museum
- Natural Remedies
- News / Newspaper
- Non-Profit/Outreach
- Office Supplies
- Optometrist/Eye Doctor
- Pawn Shop
- Photography and Videography
- Plumbing Service
- Political Representative
- Printing
- Public Library
- Real Estate
- Recycling
- Self-Storage
- Seminary
- Septic Service
- Small Business
- Spa Services
- Tattoos / Tattoo Artist
- Therapy
- Thrift Store
- Tourism
- Towing and Recovery
- Trash Services
- Tree Removal
- Utilities
- Web Design
- Women-Owned
NCTS – Online Harnett
- Phone - 910-897-8020
- Alt. Phone - N/A
- Website - nctsglobal.org
- Email - nctsonlineharnett@gmail.com
- Physical Address - 104 E H St. ERWIN, NC 28339
- Mailing Address - PO BOX 722 ERWIN NC 28339
NCTS ONLINE HARNETT is a virtual satellite campus of the North Carolina Theological Seminary founded by Bishop Varnie N. Fullwood headquartered in Clinton, NC. We offer explicitly biblical education and are accredited in compliance with the NC Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina with respect to religious exemption from licensure referenced in G.S. 116-15.
We have been fully licensed to provide a biblically based curriculum exempt from traditional pre-requisite and foundational courses such as Math, English, History, Science, and Physical Education.
NCTS does not offer “School of the Arts” degrees and thus, does not read as such.
The vision of NCTS is to educate men and women in a way that qualifies them to adequately fulfill the great commission within the Kingdom ministry.